

Deacon's page


“It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith. They shall assume such other duties as may be delegated to them from time to time by the session.”

Our Mission and Duty

We the Deacons of Mount Pleasant Church, known to be of the spirit and wisdom, and in full faith of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, will serve whole heatedly in the positions unto which we have been called. We will faithfully serve our congregation, community, and any other who may be in need with warm sympathies, witness, and service by way of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual deeds.

Who are the Deacons?

Our board of Deacons is made up of 9 active members, elected by the congregation. They provide a wide range of services that support the members of our church family and the larger community as well.  If you know of an individual or a need that you believe the deacons could assist with, please speak to one of the deacons:

  • Jamie Ashcroft
  • Ron Campbell
  • Nadine Duncan
  • Jan Garland
  • Pam Mason
  • Lorna Tarquinio
  • Karen Herman
  • Drew Vinisky
  • Joyce Butler

What do the Deacons Do?

*Funeral dinners

Food Pantry

Sonshine Deacon – Provides cards and baskets

Senior picnic

Friendly Visitors

Preparation of Communion Elements

Chancel Flowers

Sanctuary Decorating

Sunday Morning Worship Greeters

Visitation Ministry

Hospitality Director

Meals for Moms

Meal Chain

Ask a Nurse

Prayer Chain

Want to know more about any of these ministries?  Need help or know someone who does?  Contact a deacon….