
You’ve discovered a great church. I don’t just say that because I’m the pastor (though, admittedly, I am biased). I say it because it is true. There are many things that make our church great. We have great programs, especially for kids. We have great opportunities for Christian education and formation. We are mission minded […]

Dealing with Life’s Nabals 1 Samuel 25

Nabal was not the kindest of men.  Okay, to be fair Nabal was kind of a jerk.  His own servants describe him as being a wicked man that no one can talk to.  He was said to be surly and mean in his dealings.  In fact, the name Nabal means fool in Hebrew –  it […]

A World of Evil Among the Parts of the Body

Have you ever spoken too soon?  Did you ever say anything which you would later regret?  If you’re like everyone else who has ever existed then the answer to that question is a resounding “Yes!”  James describes the tongue as a world of evil among the parts of the body, a restless evil, a fire.  […]

Aliens and Strangers in the World – 1 Peter 2:11

Jim Elliott and his missionary colleagues loved the Auca Indians. For several years they prayed for and sought every opportunity to reach this violent group of South American natives who were known to be hostile toward outsiders. They air-dropped gifts to the Aucas, and did everything in their power to show their friendly intentions. After […]

Entertaining Angels? Hebrews 13:1-2

Have you ever been among a group of people in which they were clearly on the “inside” and you were equally clearly on the “outside”?  Do you remember that hollow, uncomfortable, anxious feeling that made you just want to get away as they exchanged old stories, laughed at inside jokes, and engaged in unfamiliar rituals?  […]