The Consistent Core: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

There was once a seminary class in which the seminarians were asked about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What if you know that Jesus was really not raised bodily from the dead – would it negatively impact your faith?  No, they all said. We are mature enough in our faith that even if we knew […]

The Consistent Core: The Atoning Work of Jesus Christ

Mt. Pleasant has also remained focused upon the second great (in no particular order as I’ve presented them in my previous post) key tenet of evangelical Christianity, the Atoning Work of Jesus Christ. The Cross of Christ is everything. The crucifixion is not simply an historical event from 2000(ish) years ago.  It isn’t simply one […]

Haiti Earthquake – Mt. Pleasant Responds

Many in our congregation have indicated a sense that we as a church need to do something to respond to the suffering that has followed the earthquake in Haiti.  While many individuals have given in various ways, we feel that it is appropriate to respond corporately as a congregation.  We are collecting a special offering […]

Good News on the Roman Road Sermon Series

The Book of Romans is perhaps the most important of the New Testament epistles.  While every book in the Bible is God’s Word and is of equal value as God’s Word, no other book has had a wider impact on the thought and understanding of Christians of what Jesus atoning work means and how it […]

The Consistent Core: The Authority of Scripture

The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me.  I stand alone, on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E.  Know that song?  I learned it as a kid in Sunday School, or Bible School, or Church Camp, or somewhere in the redundant system of childhood theological education.  It is not a complicated song.  And it is […]